L P Navon kabbalah art poetry songs  • • • • connect



to tree

to forest






grow . . . .






Authored by versatile seeker-seer L P Navon*

(aka Ariel Ben Chayim David V'Chavah HaKohen),

KK presents his deeply-rooted yet original version of of Kabbalah,

the mystical, centuries-old branch of Judaism.

His creative and extensive system employs Hebraic Word,

Imaging and various Yogas, with an emphasis on dynamic Practice,

full of Affirmational Attunements and Alchemical Actualizations.


KK combines psychospiritual insights,  meditational journeys,

liturgical poetry, hebraic mantra, sacred geometry, luminous design

(and a touch of philosophy) in a voluminous series of books and booklets.

They are based on the main and infinitely rich Kabbalistic icon, the Tree of Life,

along with an eclectic array of influences from various wisdom traditions,

both ancient and modern, across various cultures and disciplines.

These aim to uplift, enlighten, heal, and proffer both Beauty and Truth....




The amount of material offered on the pages

and the designated categories here

will begin quite minimally, but will significantly expand.

The wealth of writings, art and music already accumulated

are at various degrees of maturation: they will be steadily rolled out

as they receive* their final edits and coherent assembly.


So, watch this Space.... as patience, dedication and Time

will provide for further manifestations and flourishing....


* Kabbalah shares the same root as L'Kabeil = 'To Receive'.


launched 02 02 2020