to tree
to forest
grow . . . .
L P N An Active Poet Locally
Through the decades and changing years,
L P has continued to share his poetry
in the locales he has found himself in.
This ranges from his high school years,
when he was the Editor-In-Chief of the Literary Publication,
to frequent organizer and contributor to readings
at Columbia University, where he majored in Poetics,
to the towns he's inhabited, most latterly in Eastbourne,
a lovely seaside center on England's southern coast.
There he reads at the monthly 'Poetry Cafe' open mic,
and also serves as the designer of its promotional materials,
as well as being a key organizer for its events...
He has been a featured poet there,
and sung sets of original songs with his musical partner Lena
at their bi-annual themed gatherings...
1 October 2020
National Poetry Day celebrated in Eastbourne's Grove Theatre
L P N read some haiku and an assortment of poems
on the current year's theme of Vision.
He acted as a 'guinea pig' for the event —
as the only poet who participated remotely via Zoom
with his text screen-shared and projected
into the socially distanced venue,
with enthusiastic feedback, though truth be told,
not seeing the audience or hearing them,
'twas quite weird (though good to focus)...